The service agreement will start on the selected service commencement date and continue until the delivery, approval of the final product and final project payment is submitted.


To ensure the best final product satisfaction, please be sure to submit your project order through our booking platform.

Select your desired date and time of your property/service shoot.

Make sure you when creating your project booking order that the date, time desired package/service is selected.

Confirm shoot 24 hours before the shoot. Any cancelation should be notified 24 hours before to avoid any non-cancellation fees.

Make sure the property is not only impeccable but ready for the shoot.

For liability purposes the In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes team will not move furniture, open blinds, remove signs or objects from the property premises.

Client must ensure that all covid 19 measure are met before the team arrives to the site.

No pets are allowed on the set unless it has been priorly agreed as part of the production.


Client agrees and acknowledges that any alterations the day of the shoot of selected services or package may increase the timeline and cost of the Services. Should a change be requested parties will work in good faith to adjust the timeline and costs accordingly.


Once the shoot is booked In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes turn around delivery is as follow:

Next day turnaround of website, HDR photos, Drone photos, Twilight photos, 3D Matterport, 2D Schematic floor plan, Branded, Unbranded and Social Media video.


Project payments are due the day before the shoot. A grace 7-day period is granted to finalize any project pending balance. After the grace period is over a 15% of the total invoice can be applied to the project invoice.


Any project outside our business scope will incur in an additional travel fee that can range from $50-$200 depending on the location. This can be discussed on each case scenario.


Weekend shoots have a fee of $300 Saturdays and $600 Sunday. Any special holiday project request can be discussed priorly to booking the photography/video shoot.


Any project cancellation must be done not later than 24 hours before the date and time of the shoot. Last minute cancellation will incur in a $300 fee.

When the In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes arrives at the shoot and cannot proceed with the shoot due to the property not been ready or as desired by the Client a 50% fee of the total project will be applied to the invoice.


There will be a $150.00 fee if the team needs to go back to the property a different day from the scheduled date in the original project order to cover any photo, video or service not included in the original project order.


In case of any weather inclemency on the shoot date, the date and time can be changed upon availability. It is the client option to continue with the shoot, yet any additional postproduction photo-video editing required to alter content will have an additional fee. 


We offer two complimentary video edits within the next two business days of the edited content delivery. Request not submitted within this timeframe will incur in a $75.00 dollars fee. After the second revision, any additional revisions will incur a $100 dollar fee/each.


All created material/product at In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes including but not limited to ideas, inventions, photos, videos will remain exclusively property of In D Sky Homes.  In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes reserves the right to use any material/product, photos, videos, promotional digital and printed material for marketing purposes.

Stagers, Builders, Designers or any third party that would like to use any of the product/material created at In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes needs to notify and request permission and approval.  Photos/ videos/ promotional printed, digital content created at In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes cannot be used without permission.   Builders, stagers, designers and others who wish to use images taken by our photographer should contact us for specific licensing information.

The original agent who paid for this service has permission to use these images on any electronic or printed form of advertisement for the promotion of that property. The licensing agreement is valid only for the duration the home/property is listed for sale and cannot be reused without specific written permission.

Images cannot be sold to another agent who takes over an expired or withdrawn listing.

Failure to pay for the images will result in a copyright infringement/violation. You will be asked to remove the image from any electronic or printed form of advertisement. Failure to stop using them will result in legal action.


All 3D Virtual Tours include complimentary hosting for 3 months. After the three months of the complimentary hosting expire, the 3D Virtual Tours links are archived. Hosting can be extended  for a $120.00  dollars a year per scan.


The Client can use delivered edited content of the project photos, videos and the social video edited version on their social media platforms as long as copyright mention is given to In D Sky Homes.


I hereby grant In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes the irrevocable right and permission to use the finished photographs and/or video recordings, websites, publications, promotional flyers or any final product for promotional purposes for any other similar purpose without compensation to me.

I understand and agree that such photographs and/or video recordings of me may be placed on the Internet.  I also understand and agree that I may be identified by name and/or title in printed, Internet or broadcast information that might accompany the photographs and/or video recordings of me.  I waive the right to approve the final product.  I agree that all such portraits, pictures, photographs, video and audio recordings, and digital files are and shall remain the property of In D Sky Homes.

I hereby release, acquit and forever discharge In D Sky CA, LLC dba In D Sky Homes, its current and former trustees, agents, officers and employees all claims, demands, rights, promises, damages and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use or distribution of said photographs and/or video recordings, including but not limited to any claims for invasion of privacy, appropriation of likeness or defamation.

I hereby warrant that I am eighteen (18) years old or more and competent to contract in my own name.


It is the intent of the Parties that the provisions of this Agreement shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. To the extent that the terms set forth in this Agreement or any word, phrase, or sentence is found to be illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such word,  phrase, or sentence shall be modified, deleted or interpreted in such a manner so as to afford the Party for whose benefit it was intended the fullest benefit commensurate with making this Agreement as modified, enforceable and the balance of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby, the balance being construed as severable and independent.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties to its subject matter and supersedes all prior contemporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings of the Parties. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by all Parties.